The highest standard of care in the surrogacy industry at an affordable price.

A results-oriented, full-service surrogacy agency, Shared Conception provides clients with the highest standard of care in the surrogacy industry at an affordable price.  Effectively and efficiently, we match and facilitate gestational surrogacy arrangements with surrogate mothers and Intended Parents residing in the United States and internationally.

Intended Parents

Your dreams of parenthood begins NOW as you peruse our site and reality starts to set-in-you can be a parent, really. Let the dream begin!

Surrogate Mothers

Let us help you give a priceless gift in a way
only YOU can-through surrogacy!

Baby Bytes

Ways to Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

Ways to Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

Unfortunately, back pain is a common symptom of pregnancy. Gaining weight, hormone fluctuations, and center of gravity changes are just a few causes of back pain. Here are the most recommended ways to relieve back pain while pregnant. Posture Matters: Because your...

Postpartum Blues vs Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Blues vs Postpartum Depression

We commonly hear about postpartum depression, but there is also a condition called postpartum blues. We wanted to discuss both conditions, the symptoms, and the differences between the two. Postpartum blues and postpartum depression are two different conditions that...

Children’s Books on Surrogacy

Children’s Books on Surrogacy

We all know that children can often have many questions, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, their questions can sometimes be challenging to answer. If your child was was born via surrogacy or you are a surrogate parent, they will most likely have questions...

How We Match Intended Parents and Surrogates

How We Match Intended Parents and Surrogates

If you are just beginning your surrogacy journey, an important step is being matched with a surrogate mother. At Shared Conception, matching is a wonderful process in which Shared Conception excels in. We match surrogates with intended parents based on legal...