
When your surrogate mother miscarries

People are often at a lost for words when it comes to comforting a woman who has miscarried her baby. The responses can range from the very common, “I’m so sorry for your loss” to the incredulous, “It just wanted meant to be” or “Oh well, next time.” So if people have...

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Surrogacy Sibling Journey

Surrogacy Sibling Journey

Many gestational surrogates find the experience so rewarding that they are willing to do it more than once. If age and health conditions permit, a second surrogacy can be a wonderful experience. In some cases, the surrogate even acts as a surrogate for the same...

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Surrogacy As a Single Lady

Surrogacy As a Single Lady

Some of our best surrogates come to us as strong willed single women. These women are single mothers and have a steadfast desire to help others create a family. They are independent, hardworking, and immensely appreciative of family bonds. A single surrogate is...

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What to Expect on Beta Day

At  the close of the two week wait comes the day that your months of preparation have all led towards. The big blood draw that will conclude if the transfer worked, if your surrogate is pregnant, and if your road to parenthood is well underway! On Beta Day, your...

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9 Reasons to Become a Surrogate

9 Reasons to Become a Surrogate

The reasons a woman chooses to become a surrogate can be endless. Chances are, if you’re considering making this life changing choice, you’ve already compiled a list of reasons and benefits. Even so, here are nine more benefits to consider; one for each month you’ll...

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Heartwarming Surrogacy Stories

Heartwarming Surrogacy Stories

Would you carry a stranger’s baby? How about your sister’s? Over the last few years, surrogacy has entered our pop culture zeitgeist with celebrities using surrogates to complete their families. But surrogacy remains one of the least talked about tools in the fight...

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Telling Your Boss About Surrogacy

Telling Your Boss About Surrogacy

Telling your boss that you’re pregnant can be stressful. When the baby you’ll be carrying isn’t your own, telling the boss your big news can seem overwhelming. Depending on your relationship with your boss and the workplace atmosphere, you’ll first need to decide if...

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When to Share Your Big News

When to Share Your Big News

Becoming pregnant is a big deal. When pregnancy is achieved through surrogacy it can be an even bigger deal. Despite your unique conception story, you now get to make the first tough decision of the pregnancy; when to tell your friends that someone else is carrying...

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Causes of a Failed Embryo Transfer

Causes of a Failed Embryo Transfer

The confirmation of a failed embryo transfer can feel devastating. After weeks, sometimes months, of contracts, medications, and monitoring, a negative pregnancy test result often leaves both intended parents and surrogates feeling confused, angry and even a bit...

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Surprise! Your Surrogate is Having Multiples!

Surprise! Your Surrogate is Having Multiples!

While some parents will openly seek and try to achieve a multiple pregnancy, the news that your surrogate has been confirmed with more than one fetus can come as a surprise. In the rare instance that your surrogate becomes pregnant with triplets or other high order...

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Helpful Tips to Soothe  Pregnancy–Related Nausea

Helpful Tips to Soothe Pregnancy–Related Nausea

Nausea, or morning sickness, in pregnancy is incredibly common, and is generally a good sign that the pregnancy is healthy. However, this fact does little to help ease the discomfort throughout the day, or when you, the surrogate, is bent over the toilet! With...

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Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta Encapsulation Specialists encapsulate women’s placentas for them so they can consume it after giving birth. When carefully and properly prepared for consumption, the placenta can nourish the postpartum mother just as it did for the baby in your womb. Through...

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Double Trouble… being sick while pregnant

"Oh man – oh man – oh man. UGH! I was just starting to feel better. No more nausea, no more vomiting; I can finally keep things down and morning sickness was slowly becoming a thing of the past. Then…BAM! I’ve got a cold. That stuffy, achy, icky-ness feeling that I...

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Oh the Changes! Your NEW pregnancy boobs!

I'm So much goes on in a woman’s body during pregnancy. Some noticeable to the observer, some not so much. Your breasts are definitely a noticeable one. Usually, to the greater satisfaction of your partner. Hands off though, ‘cause: Ouch! Those things are for looking...

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