The highest standard of care in the surrogacy industry at an affordable price.
A results-oriented, full-service surrogacy agency, Shared Conception provides clients with the highest standard of care in the surrogacy industry at an affordable price. Effectively and efficiently, we match and facilitate gestational surrogacy arrangements with surrogate mothers and Intended Parents residing in the United States and internationally.
Intended Parents
Your dreams of parenthood begins NOW as you peruse our site and reality starts to set-in-you can be a parent, really. Let the dream begin!
Surrogate Mothers
Let us help you give a priceless gift in a way
only YOU can-through surrogacy!
Baby Bytes
Which way is up?
The vertex position. A technical term that describes when a baby is delivered headfirst. The vertex position is the ideal position when you are getting ready for labor. But it’s not always the case. Usually, weeks before you give birth, the baby moves in a position...
Gender Reveal Ideas!
Gender reveal parties have taken off in the past decade – they have almost taken a life of their own. With their Pinterest Boards, Amazon party kits, and even dedicated websites this is becoming a new tradition. There are so many ways to celebrate the revelation of...
Our Placentas II – Placenta accrete
We have recently discussed placenta previa, the cause, risk, symptoms, and treatments. But we are not done talking about the placenta! Shared Conception would like to fill you in on another condition that affects our placentas, known as placenta accrete. What is...
Fall into these Healthy Habits this Season!
Avoiding sushi and soft cheeses are well-known foods to avoid when you're pregnant. But here are a few more not-so-well-known changes to make when pregnant. Try them out! The following can help with fewer aches and pains, less stress, and more energy! Floss Your...
Our Placentas
The Placenta Pregnancy and the ability to be a surrogate is nothing short of a miracle. From the joy it gives another family, to the science behind carrying a child that isn't biologically related to you. There are many things involved in each process, including...
Ever hear of a Gentle Cesarean?
Planning a C-section? We all have our ideal labor and delivery planned in our heads or on paper. As a surrogate, this would not be your first experience with labor and delivery. Some of us have to deliver via cesarean due to medical conditions or previous C-section...