Super Foods and Villainous Eats
No Drinking, No Smoking. No raw fish. Unpasteurized dairy is a no-no. No undercooked meats. No raw cookie dough . Tuna?! Deli meats? Ceviche and smoked fish? No. NO CAFFEINE. There are so many “no’s” when you are pregnant, so many “watch out” and “be careful of”...
Casual Encounters of Surrogates Out and About in the Community
As a surrogacy agency who consistently works with surrogates, we thought you all would enjoy true stories of encounters surrogates have had while out and about in their community. Read on. "My neighbor comes out and takes her kids to school at the same time I do...
The Benefits of a Prenatal Massage
A surrogate once remarked, "I did it! I finally decided I was worth being taken care of and allowed myself what I had previously considered a luxury: a prenatal massage. You’d think after three pregnancies, I would have done it ages ago; however, I am a very stubborn...
Explaining Surrogacy to your Kids…as the Surrogate
One of the things surrogates are asked quite frequently is “How do you explain surrogacy to your kids? Isn’t that going to be hard on them?” People asking this are concerned that the surrogate's children would be confused that they didn’t take the baby...
5 Reasons You Should Use a Surrogacy Agency
Deciding to participate in Surrogacy is a huge step whether you’re an Intended Parent (IP) or the Surrogate Mother, herself. It is a huge decision that probably came with months, if not years of weighing options and doing research. For some Intended Parents, finding a...
The Importance of that Surrogacy Contract
Nobody likes it; nobody wants to read it, but you HAVE TO READ YOUR SURROGACY CONTRACT. Seriously, our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, cannot stress this enough. Everything you ever wanted, needed, and never even thought of knowing is in there. It’s the Rosetta...
The Joy of Becoming a Surrogate
It has to be one of the longest and most winding roads to travel on when a couple or an individual decides to have a surrogate carry their...
What Is a Surrogate?
There are two kinds of surrogate mothers. Traditional surrogates Artificial insemination first made surrogacy possible. A traditional surrogate is a woman who is artificially inseminated with the father'ssperm.She then carries the baby and delivers it for the parents...
Frequently Asked Questions from Intended Parents
She's pregnant! I'm excited, but I thought I’d be able to relax more than I have by now. Achieving pregnancy isn’t a finish line so much as it just one hurdle (though a HUGE one) on the way. Each new milestone in the pregnancy will bring with it a modicum of...
Let's Talk Surrogates….Who Are They?
So choosing a woman to be your surrogate is the central part of your surrogacy experience. A surrogacy agency, such as Shared Conception, understands the importance of the intended parents choosing just the right surrogate. We know how to efficiently present you...
Can I choose the intended parents?
Yes, you the surrogate mother, can choose the intended parents. A surrogacy agency, such...
Same Sex Couples and Surrogacy
Surrogacy can be complicated, costly and is a huge decision for any couple, straight or gay. Essentially, a surrogate mother is a woman who carries a child for someone else. There are many ways that different types of families can find their way to surrogacy,...
Life (and Emotions) After a Surrogate Birth
A surrogate mother has just delivered her surrogate baby, what is she going to do next? Is she going to Disneyland? Is she touring Napa Valley? Chances are this woman will simply jump back into the routine of her life with her own spouse and her own kids...
Finding that RIGHT Surrogacy Agency
The surrogacy agency selection process can indeed be difficult. So how do you choose? Shouldn't price influence your decision? These are probably some of the questions you might be asking. Choosing the best agency is the first step towards finding the potential women...
Knowledge is Power, Surrogacy-Style
In the world of surrogacy, knowledge is indeed power. This week, let's talk about the importance of transparent, honest and mature conversations when addressing the rapport and relationship between the surrogate, the intended parents and the surrogacy agency. It is...
Wonderful Reasons to be Thankful for Your Surrogate
Families are the foundation of our society and culture. Many of our endeavors and motivations are fueled by our need to support, enjoy and provide for our families. Competent surrogacy agencies, such as Shared Conception, diligently work hard to ensure that both the...
Surrogacy: It's Progressing in 2015!
A woman reports that while visiting some friends who had recently given birth to their new daughter in a Manhattan hospital, she couldn’t resist perusing the institutional paperwork addressed to “Dear Mother, Parent, Person Carrying the Child.” Such a salutation...
An Attitude of Gratitude from Shared Conception: "Why I can't just thank my twins' surrogate?"
As we move into the thick of the holiday season, our staff at Shared Conception wishes you and yours all things good and delightful! In the spirit of the holidays, we are sharing this story of intended parents who strive to thank their surrogate mother. Written...