The highest standard of care in the surrogacy industry at an affordable price.
A results-oriented, full-service surrogacy agency, Shared Conception provides clients with the highest standard of care in the surrogacy industry at an affordable price. Effectively and efficiently, we match and facilitate gestational surrogacy arrangements with surrogate mothers and Intended Parents residing in the United States and internationally.
Intended Parents
Your dreams of parenthood begins NOW as you peruse our site and reality starts to set-in-you can be a parent, really. Let the dream begin!
Surrogate Mothers
Let us help you give a priceless gift in a way
only YOU can-through surrogacy!
Baby Bytes
Using your OBGYN in Surrogacy
One of the many common questions from new surrogates is about using their OBGYN in their journey. After all, our OBGYN is where we ladies feel the most comfortable. Many of our doctors have delivered our biological children. And, there is the sense of safety with our...
Let’s Talk Shots!
IVF shots are not as difficult or painful as you might think. For many of our surrogates, the first shot is the hardest. Then, it becomes routine and not so scary. Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor, most shots are intramuscular and are required about a week...
Let’s talk shoes!
A summer pregnancy isn’t always easy. It’s hot, you sweat more and battle with trying to dress comfortably and looking cute. Thank goodness you have the support of your family members and loved ones! Shoes are another type of support you need in order to have a...
For the Potential Intended Parent
Surrogates make a huge commitment to the intended parents. They go through an intensive screening process, legal contracts, psychological and medical evaluations, background checks, and more to show they are good candidates to carry your baby and are committed to the...
6 Surrogate Surprises
In short, surrogacy is a life-changing experience, not only for yourself but for the family you are helping to build. Nowadays, it’s easy to look up information about the surrogacy process. And that’s a great first step. But not all the information you need is out...
3 Ways Faith is Found in the Surrogacy Process
Religion connects people in many different ways. And, it can play a role in your surrogacy journey. Here are just a few to start a conversation. 1. Surrogacy alone is a leap of faith: Surrogacy is an unbelievable option for those who cannot have children on their...