Pre-birth and Hospital Considerations for the Intended Parents
Let's envision that you all, the intended parents, and the surrogate mom have met, entered into a contractual relationship and developed a mutual respect for each other. Now it's almost time for the birth! Let's talk about the pre-birth and hospital...
What Happens if the Surrogate or Intended Parent Changes Their Mind?
First things first-out of 15,000 surrogacy arrangements that were reported through 2002, only 88 resulted in any dispute between parties. (That's an overall dispute rate of only approximately one-half of one percent, or .005.) The surprising part of this statistic is...
Surviving and Yes, Celebrating Mother and Father’s Day
'Tis the season for formally celebrating our mothers and fathers and most of us look forward to being appreciated for our parenting prowess and/or loving on our parents more than we normally do. However, there are those who dread these celebrations as they are...
The Post-Birth Experience……from an Intended Parent's Perspective
You know, here at Shared Conceptions, we strive to share as much expert information as possible about being a surrogate or an intended parent. However, sometimes the best information comes first-hand from someone who is actually "living" the role. To follow is a...
Perspectives from a Woman Observing her Friend as a Surrogate Mom
As our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, journeys through the surrogacy process with our families and surrogates, we thought it neat to share a different perspective of the birth. These observations comes from a friend of the surrogate mother immediately...
Should Kids Borne Out of Surrogacy Know Their Origins?
Over the past decade the number of births involving surrogacy with donor eggs and sperm has surged. What, experts wondered, does this mean for the mental and emotional health of the growing number of kids who may or may not know the truth about their distinctive...
Why Choose a Surrogacy Agency?
You have choices when thinking about adding to your family. So why utilize a surrogacy agency instead of an independent surrogacy arrangement? Some intended parents independently locate their own surrogate mother and manage all the legal, medical, financial and...
Let's envision that you all, the intended parents, and the surrogate mom have met, entered into a contractual relationship and developed a mutual respect for each other. Now it's almost time for the birth! Let's talk about the pre-birth and hospital considerations....
The Psychological State of the Intended Parents
In order for Shared Conception to provide a successful surrogacy agreement, it is important that the Intended Parents be flexible, emphatic and ready to respond to this exciting surrogacy situation with resilience, excitement and strength. This is why we...
The Psychological State of Surrogate Mothers
We are not just another surrogacy agency. At Shared Conception, we sincerely strive to be successful in fulfilling your dreams and work hard to ensure that everyone is emotionally healthy and satisfied. As a result, we consistently do our research to keep our...
Surrogacy and Why Some Women Choose to be a Surrogate
Women who decide to become surrogates often say they love being pregnant and experiencing the miracle of birth, but they are finished having their own children. They also genuinely want to help a couple have a child. While surrogates are paid for their time, it's rare...
Exactly who are these Intended Parents?
At Shared Conception we sometimes get asked, "Who are these intended parents? Who comes looking for a surrogate?" Intended parents are police officers, executives, teachers, attorneys, stay-at-home moms, single dads, athletes and possibly even the person you...
It's a MATCH! Matching the Intended Parent with the Surrogate
Match - "to be equal to (something or someone) in quality or strength; to make or to be harmonious." What perfect definitions to describe how the staff at our surrogacy agency matches our intended parents and surrogate mothers! We want to ensure that the...
The Initial Journey to Becoming a Surrogate Mother
Becoming a surrogate mother is an amazing and unforgettable journey that is a gift to yourself and to the Intended Parents. In order to erase any mystery or fear of the process, our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, has created a timeline overview. -The Surrogate...
Profile of a Surrogate Mom
To be honest, the real question is not whether Shared Conception will accept you into our program, but whether being a surrogate mother is the right choice for you. We thoughtfully spend time helping each potential surrogate decide if becoming a surrogate...
We Will Survive The Post-Holiday Blues!
You've waited all year for those moments. And now that the gifts have been unwrapped, the relatives have left and the tree has been taken down , the time has come to pack up the holiday mementos and move on. Whether it's caused by feelings of guilt from...
Dreams Do Come True…One Way or Another
As we start off this new year filled with all of our hopes and dreams, our surrogacy agency wanted to share this current news story with our Intended Parents and surrogate mothers. There are so many ways to make your dreams come true! Utah mom serves as gestational...
Top 10 New Years Resolutions for 2014*
Happy 2014 to you and yours! Here at Shared Conception, we wish you all things good as we turn yet another chapter in our journey of life, and keep living to our fullest potential. Our surrogacy agency researched and found the "Top 10 New Years Resolutions for 2014."...