
Legal Requirements for Surrogacy in Texas

Legal Requirements for Surrogacy in Texas

In the state of Texas, the legal requirements for surrogacy can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the surrogacy arrangement. Here are some general guidelines: Surrogacy Contract: The intended parents and the surrogate must have a written surrogacy...

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Surrogacy Changes Over the Years

Surrogacy Changes Over the Years

The surrogacy process has undergone significant changes over the years in terms of its legal and medical aspects. Here are some key changes that have taken place: Legalization: In many countries, surrogacy was not legally recognized until recently. Although more and...

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Herbs and Your Pregnancy

Herbs and Your Pregnancy

Herbs can have both positive and negative effects on pregnancy, so it is important to use them with caution and only under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Some herbs are considered safe during pregnancy, while others may pose a risk to the health...

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Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it's important to be mindful of what you eat. Eating a healthy and balanced diet is crucial during pregnancy to support the growth and development of the fetus. Here are some foods that you should avoid or limit while pregnant: Raw or undercooked...

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Common Surrogacy Terms You Should Know

Common Surrogacy Terms You Should Know

There is a lot of information regarding surrogacy, and some of the terms may be confusing if you are unfamiliar with them. In this blog, we wanted to define some of the common terms you'll see as you research surrogacy topics. Surrogacy: Surrogacy is a method of...

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IVF vs Surrogacy: Are They the Same?

IVF vs Surrogacy: Are They the Same?

One question often asked is—are IVF and surrogacy the same? No, they are not. IVF, also known as in vitro fertilization and surrogacy are the two most common treatments for infertility, but often couples are confused about which option is best for them. IVF is a type...

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Ways to Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

Ways to Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

Unfortunately, back pain is a common symptom of pregnancy. Gaining weight, hormone fluctuations, and center of gravity changes are just a few causes of back pain. Here are the most recommended ways to relieve back pain while pregnant. Posture Matters: Because your...

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Postpartum Blues vs Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Blues vs Postpartum Depression

We commonly hear about postpartum depression, but there is also a condition called postpartum blues. We wanted to discuss both conditions, the symptoms, and the differences between the two. Postpartum blues and postpartum depression are two different conditions that...

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Children’s Books on Surrogacy

Children’s Books on Surrogacy

We all know that children can often have many questions, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, their questions can sometimes be challenging to answer. If your child was was born via surrogacy or you are a surrogate parent, they will most likely have questions...

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7 Tips for Surrogates to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

7 Tips for Surrogates to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

Below you will find 7 helpful tips for surrogates to have a healthy pregnancy. By following these tips and taking care of your health, you will ensure that the baby will grow and develop healthily, and you will also feel better throughout your surrogate journey. Eat...

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How Intended Parents Can Support Their Surrogate

How Intended Parents Can Support Their Surrogate

As the intended parents, it is important to provide positive support to your surrogate mother. There are many ways you can do this. Because surrogacy is such a selfless gift, one way to show support or appreciation is to do thoughtful acts of kindness in unexpected...

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How We Match Intended Parents and Surrogates

How We Match Intended Parents and Surrogates

If you are just beginning your surrogacy journey, an important step is being matched with a surrogate mother. At Shared Conception, matching is a wonderful process in which Shared Conception excels in. We match surrogates with intended parents based on legal...

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Why You Should Use a Surrogacy Agency

Why You Should Use a Surrogacy Agency

Are you considering using a surrogate for your child? If you are, you have probably also thought about whether or not to use a surrogate agency. There are many pros to using a surrogacy agency during this journey. There are several legal, medical, and procedural...

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Pet Safety While Pregnant

Pet Safety While Pregnant

One common question is, is it ok to have pets while pregnant? The short answer is yes. But as with all things while pregnant, the important factor is safety—not just for yourself but for your pet. In general, it is safe for pregnant women to be around dogs as long as...

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Introducing Your New Baby to Your Pets

Introducing Your New Baby to Your Pets

Dogs, cats, and other pets can make great playmates for your baby. However, it's essential to understand that the adjustment period for your pet may be a little difficult. Prepare Your Pets When you bring home your baby, there will be a lot of changes for your pet....

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Are Surrogacy Expenses Tax Deductible?

Are Surrogacy Expenses Tax Deductible?

As any parent knows, welcoming a baby into your life can be expensive. These costs are even higher when your parenthood is made possible through surrogacy. Intended Parents face a large range of expenses: agency fees, surrogate compensation and expenses, clinic fees,...

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Intended Parents FAQs

Intended Parents FAQs

When Intended Parents start exploring the option of surrogacy, many questions run through their minds. It can definitely be a confusing process—how to choose a surrogacy agency, how do you get matched with a surrogate, how to get started, etc. In this blog, we try to...

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