
Your relationship with your Intended Parents

Your relationship with your Intended Parents

Just like the way you were while carrying your own baby, intended parents want to get to know their child, even though you are the one who is carrying. Most of the time, the intended parents attend doctor visits, especially the ones where there are ultrasounds and...

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Egg Retrievals

Egg Retrievals

Starting the surrogacy process is an exciting time. But a lot of preparation goes into the process. Most importantly an embryo has to be created for transfer. Many of our intended parents already have embryos ready for a surrogate, but some do not. In this case, egg...

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Home Pregnancy Test after IVF

Home Pregnancy Test after IVF

After the IVF process comes the 2-week wait. This is when the embryo will hopefully implant and begin to grow, while you nurture and care for it. After this wait, you take your first clinical blood test to confirm pregnancy. This may feel like the longest 2 weeks of...

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Positive Body Changes in Pregnancy

Positive Body Changes in Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings forth many changes. To your life, your body, your mood, etc. In this article we would like to focus on the positive aspects of change that occur while pregnant. Even as a surrogate, besides helping to create a family, pregnancy brings many other...

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Bedrest? Try this!

Bedrest? Try this!

For the couple of days after the embryo transfer, or even possibly during a surrogate’s journey,  the doctor may order bed rest. This may sound like a mini vacation to some, or a prison sentence to others. But, believe it or not, time spent in bed can actually be very...

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Become a Surrogate!

Become a Surrogate!

A lot of us are lucky enough to be able to think, discuss and waiver on having another little one added to our family. These days are chaotic, unpredictable and ever-changing. We can feel overwhelmed at times and the thought of another baby is bittersweet. Yet, there...

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Morning Sickness

Morning Sickness

For those who have struggled with morning sickness, there is a list of approved products that are safe for you and the baby. Although it’s a short list, and even shorter for the first trimester, there are some home remedies that may work even better. We all have those...

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Giving Baby to Intended Parents

Giving Baby to Intended Parents

Is It Hard to Give Up the Baby? As a two-time surrogate, this has always been the first question asked after anyone finds out that I have been a gestational carrier. The short answer is “no.” I became a surrogate to help fulfill someone else’s dream of having a...

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Nesting as a Surrogate

Nesting as a Surrogate

Nesting is natural. Animals even do it. This ritual is ingrained in us! Nesting is when a pregnant woman prepares for her soon to arrive bundle of joy! However, you are most likely to reach for that feather duster rather than real feathers! As a surrogate, the big...

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Pregnant? Beat the heat this summer!

Pregnant? Beat the heat this summer!

Believe it or not, there are some advantages to being pregnant in the summer. You don’t have to worry about squeezing your swollen feet into shoes when you have the option to wear sandals, and those stylish flowy dresses are very comfortable and chic. But, with...

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Surplus Embryos

Surplus Embryos

When dealing with infertility, there are so many crucial decisions that have to be made. It is truly exhausting. Many parents who have struggled with infertility, find themselves with a surplus of embryos and struggle with the decision of what do with them. When...

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The Joy of Being a Surrogate

The Joy of Being a Surrogate

It is usually a long and winding road travelled that a couple or an individual has been on before deciding to have a surrogate carry their child. Then at that point, a whole new journey begins when they decide on surrogacy. They seek the help of Shared Conception and...

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Pre and Post Birth Talking Points!

Pre and Post Birth Talking Points!

What happens after you meet the intended parents, agree to ride this incredible journey with them and them have a wonderful experience throughout your pregnancy?  As you approach the time for the birth, you should start to think about the pre-birth and hospital...

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Surrogacy Through a Family Member

Surrogacy Through a Family Member

When Intended parents search for a surrogate, they have many questions and try to get the idea of the lifestyle that a potential surrogate lives. If that person is part of your family, it is probably more comforting to know them, their medical history, and background....

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Post Baby Emotions

Post Baby Emotions

Here is a scenario, a surrogate mother has just delivered her surrogate baby. What is she going to do next? Is she going to Disneyland? Is she touring Napa Valley?  Chances are this woman will simply jump back into the routine of her life with her own family, while...

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Have you heard of surrogacy? Throughout recent years, it’s become an increasingly popular alternative to pregnancy when all other fertility options are exhausted. Celebrities are doing it and being public about it. You may even know someone who is or has been a...

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Building Your Surrogacy Support System

Building Your Surrogacy Support System

A Successful surrogacy is a group effort. It includes cooperation from the surrogate, egg donor, intended parents, nurses, doctors, social workers, attorneys and coordinators. With a similar goal, a successful team is committed to openness, honesty and clear...

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Happy Easter from Shared Conception!

Happy Easter from Shared Conception!

Many of our surrogates have promised themselves to eat as healthy as possible when they find out that they are pregnant. But cravings can take the wheel. And, when holidays such as upcoming Easter come around, we are constantly surrounded by candy and sweet treats....

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