
What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)?

What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)?

For many parents pursuing surrogacy and/or egg donation as a family-building method, the term PGD may come up. This reproductive technology is used with an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle and can be used to diagnose genetic disease in early embryos prior to the...

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6 Ways to Relieve Pregnancy Back Pain

6 Ways to Relieve Pregnancy Back Pain

Be it day one or the second trimester, pregnancy often yields a bit of discomfort. And the central point of that discomfort is usually the back. For many surrogates (and expectant mothers everywhere), finding relief can sometimes feel impossible.If you are...

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4 Ways to Be a Great Surrogate Mother

4 Ways to Be a Great Surrogate Mother

Surrogate mother, “What makes a great surrogate mother?”We often get this question from surrogates (and intended parents). There's simply no clear cut answer. However, there are several qualities and factors that play into a successful journey as a...

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Gift Ideas for Surrogates

Gift Ideas for Surrogates

When adding to your family, surrogates become an important part of the equation. How do you even begin to show your gratitude to these women who have given you such a profound gift?Treat your surrogate with these gifts; a small “thank you” for the gift...

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Surrogacy Law: State to State Distinctions

Surrogacy Law: State to State Distinctions

In the United States, the law that applies to surrogacy arrangements is controlled by the individual states.  Some states regulate surrogacy, some states forbid surrogacy entirely, and some states have little to no body of surrogacy law. In surrogacy...

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Great Gift Ideas for Intended Parents

Going the extra mile for your intended parents may form a lasting bond between you. A healthy baby, of course, is the best gift you can give them – but if you want to be extra-nice, personal gifts can go a long way. They need not be expensive; in fact, our...

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Ensuring a Healthy Surrogate Pregnancy

Ensuring a Healthy Surrogate Pregnancy

What an amazing opportunity it is to give the gift of life, especially for another person via surrogacy. This gift comes with a lot of responsibility and expectation to create a healthy baby—and it all begins in pregnancy. During your surrogate pregnancy, you are...

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The Delivery

The Delivery

As a surrogate, when the time comes to deliver the baby, there are so many emotions racing. We want to be sure everything is ready and in place well before the actual delivery day. There will be a cute bundle of joy (or two or three!) that will take center stage, of...

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A Brief Look at the History of IVF

A Brief Look at the History of IVF

•  In 1934 at Harvard University, scientist Gregory Pincus conducts IVF experiments on rabbits. Results suggest that similar fertilization is possible in humans.•  A few years later, John Rock and Miriam Menkin succeed in the first IVF of human...

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Poll: Vast Majority of Americans Support Surrogacy

Poll: Vast Majority of Americans Support Surrogacy

A recent YouGov poll asked U.S. citizens what they thought about surrogacy. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception,  was not surprised to learn that 71 percent of people polled said they approved of surrogacy. To give you a gender breakdown, women approved of...

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Teamwork Makes the Surrogacy Dream Work

Teamwork Makes the Surrogacy Dream Work

A successful surrogacy is a team effort. It means the cooperation of surrogates, egg donors, intended parents, doctors, nurses, social workers, attorneys, and coordinators. Focusing on openness, honesty, and communication can help make a good journey great.But we...

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