
How Surrogate Mother Compensation Works

How does surrogate mother compensation work? There is usually an agreement between the surrogate mother and the intended parent or parents. First, there is a base fee. This fee is paid to the surrogate mother to cover her time though her pregnancy. Carrying a child...

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Finding A Surrogate Mother

If you really think about it, the actual process of surrogacy sounds is an amazing advance in reproductive technology. The act of creating an embryo and placing it into someone to carry for nine months, so that someone else can raise that baby sounds like it comes...

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Surrogate Pregancies That Require Bed Rest

  During a surrogate pregnancy or right after going through IVF, the doctor may order bed rest. This may sound like a prison sentence to some, but you might find that the time spent in bed can actually be very productive. Here are some ideas. Learn a new computer...

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Surrogates: Benefits of Pregnancy

Besides helping to create a family, any pregnancy including a surrogate pregnancy, brings about positive changes. Several of those changes are great benefits to your body. The following are some of the top benefits that you may not know. Fewer Cramps: Your menstrual...

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Pregnancy Tests For Early Detection

  Some intended parents prefer that the surrogate not take a home pregnancy test and wait for the blood tests which is usually administered 10-14 days after a transfer. However, for those who just can’t wait until the blood tests, here’s the scoop on home...

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Surrogacy Matters: A Failed IVF

A failed IVF cycle takes a toll emotionally and physically. Dealing with these issues may come easier if the intended parents are fully aware of the risks and are prepared to deal with possible failure. The first thing that should happen after a failed IVF attempt is...

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Egg Retrieval and Surrogacy

Starting the surrogacy process is an exciting time. Egg retrieval is a major part of the process and the intended mother should be prepared. Before beginning the process of egg retrieval several screenings are required. These include: Ovarian reserve testing (blood...

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The Surrogacy Interview

  As an employer, asking questions to potential employees is essential. However, what if you are searching for a surrogate? The following are a few essential things you must ask before selecting anyone: What made her want to be a surrogate? - This is a great way...

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Surrogacy Contracts

It is a critical to have a contract no matter how close or agreeable intended parents and surrogates are. The following six topics are essential for a smoother surrogacy journey: Outline local laws: Make sure there is at least an overview of the surrogacy laws in the...

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HIV Parents

 States such as California are making new strides in making some people’s dreams come true. They are offering surrogacy to HIV positive intended parents. Participants in the HIV program go through the same process as other clients with the addition of an...

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Preimplantation Tests

Recently, many intended parents have opted for expensive screening processes known as Preimplantation Genetics Diagnosis (PGD) or Preimplantation Genetics Screening (PGS). These two methods are similar in that the retrieved eggs must be fertilized with sperm in a...

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Outsourcing Surrogacy

For many same-sex and single parents, choosing a surrogate mother outside the country is a popular route. However, new regulations in India may cause them to seek elsewhere. India’s Home Ministry circulated late last year to Indian missions abroad, and stipulated that...

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Southern Surrogacy Hospitality

Texas is globally known to be one of the most surrogacy friendly regions for intended parents. Why you ask? Texas enacted a surrogacy statute, which specifically allows gestational surrogacy agreements to be validated by the court. Texas law only requires either the...

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Fertility Trends

When parents determine they want to start or expand a family, they often seek certain methods to help expedite the conception process. Acupuncture, relaxation therapies, and diet are touted as an alternative to costly medical treatments. But do they really work?...

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A Father's Wish: Single Man Opts For Surrogacy

  A surge of single men, gay and straight, have recently opted for surrogacy to fulfill their paternal dreams. The Williams Institute, a think-tank on same-sex issues at the University of California - Los Angeles, finds there were more than one million...

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