Gifts for your Surrogate – Do you have to buy them?
Your surrogate is giving you and your family more than you can ask for. Our intended parents often ask us about gifts for their surrogate. Although gifts are not required, some feel the need to express their gratitude with small tokens of appreciation along the way....
Packing List for Intended Parents
When the baby arrives, it’s an exciting time, but also hectic. They baby can come earlier or later. Your hospital bag should be packed and ready to go at least two weeks before the due date to ensure you have everything you need for the hospital stay. Shared...
The Day Before IVF
This is not an article about all the medications you take before IVF as a surrogate, or the doctor visits before IVF. This is about you and how you feel the day before the IVF procedure. On a personal note, I remember my first day before IVF, as I have had 2 wonderful...
Tips on finding a housekeeper
One of the perks of surrogacy is around 32 weeks, unless differently outlined in your contract, you are blessed with a housekeeping angel! This takes so much stress off of your plate! By this time in your journey, daily tasks are becoming more and more difficult. The...
Pregnancy Pillows
When you are far enough along in your pregnancy, you may discover some aches and pains. It comes with the territory. There are so many support and full body pregnancy pillows on the market. When you are shopping for one, where do you begin? Good news is that you have...
The Taboo Subject: Compensation
Money is rarely the driving reason behind becoming a surrogate. All of our surrogates love the idea of helping a family, enjoy being pregnant and feel that this journey is more of a calling. But that doesn’t mean compensation is not deserved for the intense labor (no...
Surviving the Summer Fashionably
It is in your contract for maternity clothes stipend between your 12th and 15th week. Finding maternity clothes that actually fit and flatter can be challenging for many moms-to-be. But with comfortably fitting maternity clothing, you’ll look—and feel—your best as you...
Surrogacy Escrow Service
Your surrogacy contract includes using an escrow agency. This service allows a third party (the escrow agency) to hold and dispense funds during the surrogacy process. This can continue up to six months after birth. The escrow agency acts on behalf of the intended...
The Truth Behind Pickles and Ice Cream
Not many pregnancy conversations leave out the topic of cravings and how crazy they can become. Needless to say, when you are pregnant, you learn the truth behind pickles and ice cream. Your regular, everyday cravings will stick with you throughout pregnancy. They may...
Surrogacy Financing
With an experienced agency such as, Shared Conception, we have spoken to thousands of people interested in surrogacy. One of the topics that ALWAYS comes up is financing. And that is perfectly normal. There are a lot of costs involved. It is a big financial decision...
Surrogacy Journey and Communication
A lot of our intended parents have asked us how to get to know the woman who is carrying their baby. All of our intended parents are so incredibly appreciative, that it is hard to pinpoint one specific way to accomplish this. Part of the special services that Shared...
The Great Balance
During our get togethers with the surrogates in our agency, many of the conversations between surrogates are about the balancing act of family life while pregnant. Most, if not all our surrogates, love being pregnant, which is part of the reason many embark on this...
Surrogate Partners
Surrogate Spouses and Partners Written by Courtney; two-time surrogate with Shared Conception By now, you are probably familiar with the definition of a surrogate, the intended parents, the baby and all the doctors involved with the process. But what about your...
Your Belly and the Sun
In Texas, we get a short Spring season that allows us to hit the beach and poolside as early as April. If you are pregnant, you have to consider protecting your precious cargo from the sun. We all know that overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can be damaging to anyone....
Tips for a Cool Summer
Texas, and many other places around the country, can be brutal during the summer with the high temperatures and humidity. It is awfully uncomfortable and being pregnant can make the heat more intense. You may think “I will never feel cool again” – but don’t worry!...
Happy Easter from Shared Conception
Many of our surrogates have promised themselves to eat as healthy as possible when they find out that they are pregnant. But when holidays such as the upcoming Easter Holiday come around, we are constantly surrounded by candy and sweet treats. It’s everywhere this...
Surrogacy with Shared Conception
Surrogacy is growing in popularity and is becoming more socially accepted here in the United States, and even internationally. In the United States, there are some variations to laws regarding surrogacy which need to be considered when choosing surrogacy to extend or...
Pregnancy and Posture
Pregnancy and Posture Proper posture during pregnancy is an easy way to prevent back pain while adding extra pregnancy pounds during those blissful 9 months. Training your body to properly stand, sit move and even lie down puts less strain on your back. Proper...