
Shipping Breast Milk

Shipping Breast Milk

It may be intimidating. You definitely do not want all that “liquid gold” to go bad in the shipping process. Here is what I did when I shipped breast milk.Pumping is a full-time job. I pumped about every 3 or 4 hours for a few months. I had so much stored...

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Being a great Surrogate

Being a great Surrogate

“Tummy Mummy,” “Gestational Carrier,” “Surro Mom” – There are many different names for a surrogate mother. Some are cute, some are just technical, but how to become a great surrogate mother is a quality all surrogates must...

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Why Choose a Surrogacy Agency

Why Choose a Surrogacy Agency

There are so many surrogacy agencies to choose from. It can be very overwhelming. First, you need to educate yourself on the process so you can “interview” each contender. One of the most common questions we get is, “Why should we utilize a surrogacy...

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LGBT and Surrogacy

LGBT and Surrogacy

Surrogacy can be complicated, costly and is a huge decision for any couple. A surrogate mother or gestational carrier is a woman who carries a child for someone else. There are many ways that different types of families can find their way to surrogacy. For straight...

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Deciding on Surrogacy

Deciding on Surrogacy

There are many individuals and couples out there that are struggling with infertility; more than you may know. Whether it is your neighbor, the checkout associate at your grocery store, a personal trainer at your gym or the bank teller that gave you change for that...

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Talking to your Significant Other about Surrogacy

You have done a ton of research and thought to yourself, “Hey, I could do this.” This is a big decision, and it will affect your family. It is essential and critical to be supported throughout your entire surrogacy. Your family should be on-board with...

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Inducing Lactation?

Inducing Lactation?

Yes! It’s possible; it is not a myth and many intended Moms have chosen to do this to promote the bond between themselves and their newborn. Throughout history, women have induced lactation, dating as far back as ancient times.Prolactin, the milk-making hormone...

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How to Handle Those Awkward Moments During Surrogacy

How to Handle Those Awkward Moments During Surrogacy

There may be a time in your journey that you will be asked invasive and sometimes offensive questions about the surrogacy process. Some awkward moments are bound to happen. By choosing to be a surrogate, these awkward moments sometimes come with the territory. It may...

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What to look for in a Surrogate Mother

What to look for in a Surrogate Mother

There is a lot to consider after making the final decision to use a surrogate. Shared Conception works effortlessly to match you with your most perfect surrogate. Your relationship with your surrogate will be unique and can provide you with the most rewarding outcome....

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Questions to Ask a Gestational Carrier

Questions to Ask a Gestational Carrier

Interviewing potential surrogates is part of the selection process. There are a lot of emotions involved; anxiety, stress, excitement and hope. But, what questions do you ask a woman who will potentially be carrying your baby? At Shared Conception, we do not rest...

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Questions to Ask Your Potential Surrogate

Questions to Ask Your Potential Surrogate

Interviewing potential surrogates is part of the selection process. There are a lot of emotions involved; anxiety, stress, excitement and hope. But, what questions do you ask a woman who will potentially be carrying your baby? At Shared Conception, we do not rest...

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Surrogacy and Medications

Surrogacy and Medications

There are quite a few medications involved for a gestational carrier cycle. When pregnancy occurs naturally, the body produces a number of hormones that prepare the uterus for pregnancy, and help the embryo grow and develop. For a surrogate to have a successful IVF...

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Tips about Shipping Breast Milk

Tips about Shipping Breast Milk

 If you have opted to pump breast milk for your surrogate baby, you may come across a time where you have to ship your breast milk. Here are some tips to successfully and safely ship breast milk. Store your breast milk in quality storage bags. Make sure they...

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Common Causes of Male Infertility?

Common Causes of Male Infertility?

Infertility affects us all, even men! Most likely, after or during the process that the woman is examined and diagnosed, her partner will be looked at by a male fertility doctor. Just like reproductive doctors for women, male fertility doctors try to improve fertility...

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Helping a Friend or Family Member Post Surrogacy

Helping a Friend or Family Member Post Surrogacy

As a surrogate, all the months of effort and sacrifice are paid off when you see the Intended Parents hold that baby (or babies) for the first time. Every surrogate has a different journey full of ups and downs. When their journey comes to an end, she may have a...

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