HIV Parents
States such as California are making new strides in making some people’s dreams come true. They are offering surrogacy to HIV positive intended parents. Participants in the HIV program go through the same process as other clients with the addition of an...
Preimplantation Tests
Recently, many intended parents have opted for expensive screening processes known as Preimplantation Genetics Diagnosis (PGD) or Preimplantation Genetics Screening (PGS). These two methods are similar in that the retrieved eggs must be fertilized with sperm in a...
Outsourcing Surrogacy
For many same-sex and single parents, choosing a surrogate mother outside the country is a popular route. However, new regulations in India may cause them to seek elsewhere. India’s Home Ministry circulated late last year to Indian missions abroad, and stipulated that...
Southern Surrogacy Hospitality
Texas is globally known to be one of the most surrogacy friendly regions for intended parents. Why you ask? Texas enacted a surrogacy statute, which specifically allows gestational surrogacy agreements to be validated by the court. Texas law only requires either the...
Fertility Trends
When parents determine they want to start or expand a family, they often seek certain methods to help expedite the conception process. Acupuncture, relaxation therapies, and diet are touted as an alternative to costly medical treatments. But do they really work?...
A Father's Wish: Single Man Opts For Surrogacy
A surge of single men, gay and straight, have recently opted for surrogacy to fulfill their paternal dreams. The Williams Institute, a think-tank on same-sex issues at the University of California - Los Angeles, finds there were more than one million...
How one surrogate mother deals with emotional attachment
One of my previous blog posts had to do with my utter contempt of the phrase “rent-a-womb.” You can read the blog here. One surrogate mom, Rachel M. had this response: “For some of us, myself included, we have to use terms like 'rent-a-womb' because it aids in...
What to do with remaining embryos?
Parents who have struggled with infertility and find themselves with a surplus of embryos, struggle with what do with them. When parents are going through the process, they usually want enough embryos in case it takes more than one try to get pregnant. They may also...
Low Cost Surrogacy Agencies – What to Look for in an Agency
As surrogacy continues to grow in popularity, surrogacy agencies will continue to pop up and that’s when you should heed the buyer beware philosophy. Just this week, the owner of the surrogacy agency in Modesto, CA was sentenced to federal prison for creating a...
ABC, XYZ Surrogacy Acronyms Explained
If you’re considering surrogacy you’ve probably run across a lot of acronyms. Some are easy to decipher, while others can leave you scratching your head. So we’ve compiled a list of the most common acronyms you’ll come across during your surrogacy journey. A...
Intended Mother’s Can Breast Feed Their Surrogate Born Babies
Numerous studies have shown that breast milk is best for babies. But if you’re an intended mother using a surrogate you may be wondering if your baby will be able to benefit from “mother’s milk.” The answer is yes. Moms, who had trouble conceiving, may have...
The Financial Picture: How Much Surrogacy Costs
Deborah L. Cohen shares the story of Maragret DiSantis in an article she wrote on the rising number of surrogacy births despite the costs. DiSantis always wanted to be a mother but had no idea she would have to sell her house, drop out of business school and move back...
She Serves Too: Military Wives and Surrogacy
It’s been reported that military wives currently account for 20 percent of all surrogate births each year. In a sense, while her husband is serving our country, she is serving stateside helping an intended family do what seemed to be impossible—start a family....
Insurance and Surrogates
Babies being born through surrogacy are on the rise! Health insurance companies excluding surrogacy from members are also on the rise. Seems more and more insurance companies are not willing to be pay for maternity care if the member is a carrier for another...
Celebrity Surrogacy Rumors Abound
Photo by Hollywood Branded The rumors simply won’t die. When you’re a big superstar like Beyonce and actress Holly Madison, for better or for worse rumors and lack of privacy comes with the territory. Beyonce’s baby bump came into question during...
Famous Surrogate Parents
We at Shared Conception know surrogacy is a wonderful way to grow your family! To us there’s nothing more rewarding than connecting intended parents and the right surrogate mother! The fruit of our labor is cute and cuddly and downright adorable. Lots of celebrities...
Please, have the hard conversations first
Crystal Kelley is an unemployed single mom who became a surrogate mother. One to help another family and two she needed the income. She became a surrogate mother to intended parents in Hartford, Connecticut and around week 21 is where this surrogacy story turns...
Surrogacy News Around the World
Here in America, surrogacy births typically go off without a hitch. Agencies make sure that intended mothers and surrogate mothers are well matched. Other countries are finding themselves needing to improve legislation to keep up with the changes in fertility...