When someone offers to be your surrogate, it’s a generous and heartfelt gesture that shows their deep care and willingness to help you on your journey to parenthood. However, there are various reasons you might not feel comfortable accepting the offer. Whether it’s due to concerns about the emotional complexities, health considerations, or simply wanting to go through an agency, it’s important to respond with gratitude and sensitivity. Here’s how to navigate this delicate situation.

Acknowledge Their Generosity

Start by acknowledging the person’s kindness and the significance of their offer. It’s essential to make them feel appreciated and understood. You might say something like:

“I’m incredibly touched and grateful that you would offer to do something so selfless and loving for us. It means the world to know that you care so much about our journey to becoming parents.”

Express Your Reasons Gently

While acknowledging their offer, explain your reasons for not accepting in a gentle and clear manner. Focus on your feelings and the decision-making process you and your partner have gone through. It’s important to avoid making them feel rejected or hurt. For example:

“After much thought and discussion, we’ve decided that going through an agency is the best path for us. It’s been a difficult decision because your offer is so generous, but we feel this is the best choice for our situation.”

Emphasize the Emotional Complexity

Surrogacy is an emotional journey for everyone involved. You can express concerns about the potential impact on your relationship and the complex emotions that can arise:

“We’re mindful of how emotionally complex surrogacy can be, and we’re concerned about how it might affect our relationship in the long term. We value our bond with you so much and want to ensure that nothing complicates it.”

Reaffirm Your Relationship

End the conversation by reaffirming your appreciation and the importance of your relationship. Let them know that their offer has not changed how you feel about them:

“I want you to know how much I appreciate your offer and how important you are to us. Our relationship is so meaningful, and I’m grateful to have you in our lives as we navigate this path to parenthood.”


Declining a surrogate offer from a friend or family member is a challenging conversation, but it can be done with kindness and respect. By acknowledging their generosity and explaining your reasons gently, you can maintain a strong relationship while making the best decision for your family. Remember, the key is to express your gratitude and to communicate your decision with care, ensuring that they understand your appreciation for their loving offer. If you have any questions about surrogacy, Shared Conception is here for you. You can contact us by clicking here or calling us at (713) 622-1144.