Just like any parents, intended parents want to get to know their baby before he or she is ever born. The intended parents attend the doctor visits, watch the ultrasounds and listen intently to the little heartbeat.
Surrogates want the intended parents to stay involved with the baby, too. There are many ways for the intended parents to get to know their baby before the little one breathes his or her first breath.
One way is through Belly Buds (www.bellybuds.com). These great devises let the intended parents record their voice. They can sing, they can read books, they can talk, they can tell them about their family, the possibilities are endless. The recorded Belly Buds can then be sent to the surrogate for her to play to the baby. The baby gets to hear his or her parents’ voices before being born. He or she will get used to the soothing voice of her parents via Belly Buds.
Another easy way to keep the intended parents involved is to text and email. It doesn’t have to be long, but a simple text about what the surrogate is craving, what she is feeling, how the baby is moving, can make an intended parents’ day.
Or a surrogate can try keeping a blog about her journey. This is a great way for the extended family of the intended parents to also be included in what’s happening with the baby. Be sure to add in photos and even videos of the journey. Once the baby arrives, printing out the blog pages and having them bound into a nice, keepsake book is a great, meaningful gift to give the intended parents.
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