Becoming a surrogate mother is an incredible act of generosity and compassion, offering the gift of parenthood to those who may not be able to achieve it on their own. However, this decision requires careful consideration and self-reflection. Here are the top 10 signs that indicate you might be ready to embark on this life-changing journey.

  1. You Have a Genuine Desire to Help Others

The primary motivation for becoming a surrogate should be a sincere desire to help others experience the joy of parenthood. If you feel a strong, altruistic calling to make a significant impact on someone else’s life, you might be ready for surrogacy.

  1. You Are in Good Physical Health

Surrogates need to meet certain health criteria to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy. If you are in good physical health, with no significant medical issues, and have had previous uncomplicated pregnancies, this is a positive sign you are ready to become a surrogate.

  1. You Have a Strong Support System

Emotional and practical support from family and friends is crucial during the surrogacy process. If you have a strong network of people who support your decision and are willing to help you through the journey, you are more likely to have a positive experience.

  1. You Understand the Commitment

Surrogacy is a significant commitment, both in terms of time and emotional investment. If you have thoroughly researched the process, understand the demands, and are prepared to dedicate yourself to this journey, it shows readiness.

  1. You Have Completed Your Own Family

Most surrogacy agencies require that surrogates have already completed their own families. If you have had children and do not plan on having more, you might be in an ideal position to become a surrogate.

  1. You Are Financially Stable

Surrogacy should not be undertaken out of financial necessity. While surrogates receive compensation, it should not be the primary motivator. Being financially stable ensures that your decision to become a surrogate is driven by the right reasons.

  1. You Have a Positive Outlook on Pregnancy

A positive attitude towards pregnancy and childbirth is essential. If you enjoyed your previous pregnancies and have a positive view of the process, this indicates that you might be well-suited for surrogacy.

  1. You Are Emotionally Prepared

Emotional readiness is crucial for surrogacy. If you are emotionally stable, you can handle the ups and downs of pregnancy, and are prepared to part with the baby after birth; this shows emotional maturity and readiness.

  1. You Can Handle Medical Procedures

Surrogacy involves various medical procedures, including fertility treatments and frequent medical appointments. If you are comfortable with medical environments and procedures, this is a good sign you are prepared for the journey.

  1. You Have Discussed It with Your Partner

If you have a partner, their support and understanding are vital. Having open and honest discussions about the implications of surrogacy and receiving their full support indicates that you are ready to take on this responsibility together.

Deciding to become a surrogate mother is a choice that requires careful thought and preparation. If you identify with these signs and feel confident in your decision, you may be ready to embark on this rewarding journey. Shared Conception is here to help your dream of becoming a surrogate come true. We have resources on a website about becoming a surrogate mother. You can contact us by clicking here or call us at (713) 622-1144 to discuss becoming a surrogate mother. We are here to answer any of your questions.