Pregnancy involves significant physiological changes that can affect various aspects of a surrogate’s health, including her vision. The many changes a woman’s body undergoes during pregnancy—ranging from hormonal surges to increased fluid retention and changes in blood circulation—can lead to several temporary visual disturbances.

Below we discuss some of the potential vision issues a surrogate may experience.

Common Vision Changes During Pregnancy:

  1. Blurred Vision: Many surrogates report experiencing blurry vision. This is often due to fluid retention, which affects the thickness and curvature of the cornea. The alteration in the cornea can temporarily change how light enters the eye, leading to blurred vision.
  2. Floaters: These are small, dark shapes that appear in one’s field of vision. They are especially noticeable when looking at a bright, plain surface. Floaters are generally harmless and result from changes in the vitreous gel that fills the back of the eye.
  3. Light Sensitivity: This condition, also known as photophobia, can increase during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and is characterized by a heightened sensitivity to light, sometimes accompanied by headaches.

Serious Conditions Associated with Vision Changes:

  • Preeclampsia: Vision problems can be a warning sign of preeclampsia, a serious medical condition that causes high blood pressure and can affect both the surrogate mother and the unborn baby. Symptoms may include sudden vision changes, severe headaches, upper abdominal pain, nausea, and swelling. Prompt medical evaluation is essential if these symptoms occur.

Postpartum Vision Changes:

  • Following delivery, surrogates may continue to experience visual symptoms similar to those during pregnancy. Hormonal adjustments that occur even after childbirth can continue to affect vision temporarily. Typically, these changes resolve on their own once hormone levels stabilize and fluid retention decreases.

Eye Care and Pregnancy:

  • Despite the temporary nature of most pregnancy-related vision issues, it’s crucial for pregnant surrogates to maintain regular eye check-ups. These visits allow healthcare providers to monitor the health of the eyes and address any issues early. It is perfectly safe to undergo eye examinations during pregnancy, and such preventative measures can help ensure that any serious conditions are diagnosed and managed promptly.

Advice for Expecting Surrogates:

  • If vision changes occur during pregnancy, it is important not to dismiss them as merely temporary. Consulting with a healthcare provider ensures that any potentially serious conditions are ruled out. Keeping a record of any vision disturbances and discussing these with an eye care specialist can help provide peace of mind and ensure the health and safety of both the mother and the baby.

Awareness and timely medical consultation can help manage the above changes effectively, ensuring a safer pregnancy and postpartum experience. If you have any questions at all please contact Shared Conception, we are here to help you every step of your surrogacy journey. You can contact us at 713-622-1144 or through our website.