Merry Christmas from Shared Conception

Merry Christmas from Shared Conception

This time of year, Shared Conception likes to reflect and take a moment to express our gratitude towards our family of staff, surrogates, and intended parents. Nothing gives us more pleasure than to see the happiness we create.   Our surrogates inspire us with...
Another Kind of Support

Another Kind of Support

Shared Conception emphasizes how necessary it is to have an established support network when undertaking the role of a surrogate mother. Yet, there is another kind of support that every surrogate needs besides a close network of supportive friends and family. It’s...
Patches, Pills, and Prickly Things

Patches, Pills, and Prickly Things

As a surrogate, you are required to follow strict instructions from the fertility clinic. They can be instructions about diet, activity levels, or medications. And yes, some of the instructions involve needles that you or someone in your support network will have to...