Our Placentas II – Placenta accrete

Our Placentas II – Placenta accrete

We have recently discussed placenta previa, the cause, risk, symptoms, and treatments. But we are not done talking about the placenta!  Shared Conception would like to fill you in on another condition that affects our placentas, known as placenta accrete. What is...
Spring Cleaning While Pregnant

Spring Cleaning While Pregnant

Spring is in the air! We have had a cold and tough winter, and now we are starting to see the light at the end of the dark and cold winter tunnel. You may get the urge to enjoy some outdoor activity or get the house organized and cleaned. Just keep in mind, you are...
Terms and Definitions – Updated!

Terms and Definitions – Updated!

If you are contemplating surrogacy, you will find a world of terms that may sound like a whole new language!  These terms are referred to in surrogacy agencies, clinics and doctors’ offices. It can be confusing and intimidating so Shared Conception has compiled a list...
What to Call Your Surrogate

What to Call Your Surrogate

There is no official name to call your surrogate after the birth of your baby. Phrases like, “friend of the family” barely scratch the surface. Someone who was once a stranger, has changed your life in the best way possible and now has a special place in your heart....
Why a Previous Pregnancy?

Why a Previous Pregnancy?

When you become a gestational surrogate, someone puts their hope into your hands. This hope is becoming a biological parent with your help. A lot of time, money and emotions is invested into this journey. This is why it’s important to give this task your best. There...