
Surrogacy and Compensation

Surrogacy and Compensation

One of the first questions that arise when someone finds out you are a surrogate is, “How much do you get paid?” This question can be downright insulting, but it’s just plain curiosity and some people just can’t help themselves. All surrogates do not get paid to have...

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Vision and Pregnancy

Vision and Pregnancy

There are many ways pregnancy can affect your vision. While your body changes temporarily, your eyes can too. Between the hormones, metabolism, fluid retention and blood circulation, pregnant women can experience blurry vision, floaters and light sensitivity. This is...

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Can I Still be a Surrogate with Tubes Tied?

Can I Still be a Surrogate with Tubes Tied?

If you are finished growing your family and have had a tubal ligation, you can still qualify to become a surrogate mother. Many women choose this process after their families are complete as a means for permanent birth control. Although there are other requirements...

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Healthy Eating While Pregnant

Healthy Eating While Pregnant

There are obvious rules most know about diet during pregnancy such as no drinking and no smoking. Then, there are some things that you never knew you couldn't have such as raw fish. But even more surprising, you may not realize that you can't have your favorite cheese...

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Considering Surrogacy? Consider Shared Conception!

Considering Surrogacy? Consider Shared Conception!

Becoming a surrogate or deciding to use Surrogacy to help create your family, is a big choice for both you and your family. It not a snap decision. You weigh your options, do your research and take days, months or even years to conclude whether it’s the right path for...

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Going Insane on Bedrest? Read This!

Going Insane on Bedrest? Read This!

Bedrest. This is when you are prescribed to relax and take it easy. Many fertility clinics require surrogates to stay on bed rest for 48-72 hours post transfer to help keep that little embryo safe and snug. Or if you are already pregnant, you may be prescribed to...

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Who Do You Tell About Your Journey?

Who Do You Tell About Your Journey?

As a surrogacy agency who consistently works with surrogates, we thought you all would enjoy scenarios of surrogate encounters with the public on an average day. Many surrogates have had encounters with acquaintances that can be awkward. When you decide to embark on a...

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A Quick History Lesson about IVF

A Quick History Lesson about IVF

The history of IVF dates back to the 1930s when a Harvard University Scientist, Gregory Pincus successfully conducted IVF experiments on rabbits. It was not until the 1970s, that the process became available to women when Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards worked with...

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Surrogacy Contracts

Surrogacy Contracts

A surrogacy contract is a lot of reading but you HAVE TO READ YOUR SURROGACY CONTRACT! It deals with all the financial arrangements. Seriously, we at Shared Conception, cannot over emphasize to our surrogates, how important it is to read the contract. Everything you...

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Do I Choose the Intended Parents?

Do I Choose the Intended Parents?

The immediate answer is Yes! As the surrogate mother, you choose the intended parents just as much as they choose you. Keep in mind, Intended Parents are also thoroughly screened to confirm they are safe to work with and ready to commit to a journey. After you are...

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What is a Prenatal Massage?

What is a Prenatal Massage?

Everyone likes to indulge and spoil themselves every now and again with a spa treatment. It can be a little more difficult when pregnant because of the restrictions for you and your precious cargo. However, a prenatal massage has many benefits and is more than just a...

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