Dealing with body changes/pain during pregnancy

Dealing with body changes/pain during pregnancy

As we all know from our bio babes, pregnancy causes so many changes to the body. It can be uncomfortable at times and even downright challenging. Not to mention after giving birth! Although body changes during and after pregnancy are natural, some struggle with...
Our Placentas II – Placenta accrete

Our Placentas II – Placenta accrete

We have recently discussed placenta previa, the cause, risk, symptoms, and treatments. But we are not done talking about the placenta!  Shared Conception would like to fill you in on another condition that affects our placentas, known as placenta accrete. What is...
Fall into these Healthy Habits this Season!

Fall into these Healthy Habits this Season!

Avoiding sushi and soft cheeses are well-known foods to avoid when you’re pregnant. But here are a few more not-so-well-known changes to make when pregnant. Try them out! The following can help with fewer aches and pains, less stress, and more energy! Floss Your...
Our Placentas

Our Placentas

The Placenta Pregnancy and the ability to be a surrogate is nothing short of a miracle. From the joy it gives another family, to the science behind carrying a child that isn’t biologically related to you. There are many things involved in each process, including...
New Needle Support

New Needle Support

A common apprehension when considering surrogacy is the injections that must be administered before the IVF transfer and throughout the first trimester. Shared Conception would like to share with you our new findings that will put you at ease! Our surrogates are just...