It’s a Match!

It’s a Match!

What is a match? Webster’s dictionary defines it as, “to be equal to (something or someone) in quality or strength; to make or to be harmonious.” What a perfect definition to describe how the staff at Shared Conception “matches” intended parents and surrogate mothers!...
Now is a great time to apply

Now is a great time to apply

Some of us have had a hard couple of weeks. It’s been scary. Worrying about getting sick, who is around us and our families, having enough food and supplies, is stressing us out. Not to mention not knowing whether or not we will have jobs depending on the industry....
Corona Virus and Pregnancy

Corona Virus and Pregnancy

This pandemic has thrown us for quite a loop. Have your prenatal appointments changed to telemedical appointments? With the ever-changing news, uncertainties and restrictions imposed in our lives, what does this mean for those of us who are pregnant? What is known...
Belly, Baby and the Sun

Belly, Baby and the Sun

In Texas, we get a short Spring season, a long spring break and tend to hit the beach and poolside as early as April. If you are pregnant, you have to consider protecting that precious cargo from the sun. We all know that overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can be...
Pineapples and IVF

Pineapples and IVF

Have you noticed the abundance of pineapples when researching IVF or Surrogacy? This fruit has become adopted as a symbol of infertility and IVF. There really is no scientific evidence proving that pineapples improve implantation when undergoing IVF, but many believe...