Jul 26, 2019 | General Topics, Surrogate
When you are far enough along in your pregnancy, you may discover some aches and pains. It comes with the territory. There are so many support and full body pregnancy pillows on the market. When you are shopping for one, where do you begin? Good news is that you have...
Jul 19, 2019 | General Topics, Intended Parent, Surrogate
Money is rarely the driving reason behind becoming a surrogate. All of our surrogates love the idea of helping a family, enjoy being pregnant and feel that this journey is more of a calling. But that doesn’t mean compensation is not deserved for the intense labor (no...
Jul 9, 2019 | General Topics, Surrogate
It is in your contract for maternity clothes stipend between your 12th and 15th week. Finding maternity clothes that actually fit and flatter can be challenging for many moms-to-be. But with comfortably fitting maternity clothing, you’ll look—and feel—your best as you...
Jun 28, 2019 | General Topics, Intended Parent, Surrogate
Your surrogacy contract includes using an escrow agency. This service allows a third party (the escrow agency) to hold and dispense funds during the surrogacy process. This can continue up to six months after birth. The escrow agency acts on behalf of the intended...
Jun 21, 2019 | General Topics, Surrogate
Not many pregnancy conversations leave out the topic of cravings and how crazy they can become. Needless to say, when you are pregnant, you learn the truth behind pickles and ice cream. Your regular, everyday cravings will stick with you throughout pregnancy. They may...
Jun 7, 2019 | General Topics, Intended Parent, Surrogate
A lot of our intended parents have asked us how to get to know the woman who is carrying their baby. All of our intended parents are so incredibly appreciative, that it is hard to pinpoint one specific way to accomplish this. Part of the special services that Shared...
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