Jul 10, 2020 | General Topics, Surrogate
A lot of us are lucky enough to be able to think, discuss and waiver on having another little one added to our family. These days are chaotic, unpredictable and ever-changing. We can feel overwhelmed at times and the thought of another baby is bittersweet. Yet, there...
Jun 19, 2020 | Intended Parent, Surrogate
Nesting is natural. Animals even do it. This ritual is ingrained in us! Nesting is when a pregnant woman prepares for her soon to arrive bundle of joy! However, you are most likely to reach for that feather duster rather than real feathers! As a surrogate, the big...
May 1, 2020 | General Topics, Surrogate
Here is a scenario, a surrogate mother has just delivered her surrogate baby. What is she going to do next? Is she going to Disneyland? Is she touring Napa Valley? Chances are this woman will simply jump back into the routine of her life with her own family, while...
Apr 10, 2020 | General Topics
Many of our surrogates have promised themselves to eat as healthy as possible when they find out that they are pregnant. But cravings can take the wheel. And, when holidays such as upcoming Easter come around, we are constantly surrounded by candy and sweet treats....
Feb 14, 2020 | General Topics, Surrogate
Surrogate, journey, intended parent, gestational carrier, IVF……there is a lot to learn when considering surrogacy. Not everyone is cut out for this job, but more women qualify than you may think. If you are thinking about becoming a surrogate, here are some common...
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