Merry Christmas from Shared Conception

Merry Christmas from Shared Conception

This time of year, Shared Conception likes to reflect and take a moment to express our gratitude towards our family of staff, surrogates, and intended parents. Nothing gives us more pleasure than to see the happiness we create.   Our surrogates inspire us with...
Surrogacy Process for IP’s

Surrogacy Process for IP’s

Shared Conception is eager to find the right surrogate for you! We look forward to going through the surrogacy process with you. It is our wish to be at your side during this unique surrogate pregnancy process and are just as excited for you to finally hold your baby...
A Spouse’s POV on Surrogacy

A Spouse’s POV on Surrogacy

I am a proud two-time surrogate. I have no problem telling people about it whether they agree with my decision or not, and I do not have a problem answering (sometimes invasive) questions. I take it as an opportunity to debunk myths and educate people about a topic...
The Holiday Rush

The Holiday Rush

Now that Halloween is behind us and the sugar rush has dissipated, Thanksgiving is next in line. Let’s look forward to yummy comfort food and more family time. Go ahead, take an extra scoop of mashed potatoes because – you deserve it! And most importantly –indulge...