Transfer day is a pivotal moment in the surrogacy process, marking the day when an embryo is implanted into the surrogate’s uterus. This step, often filled with anticipation and hope, is the culmination of meticulous planning, medical preparation, and emotional readiness for both the surrogate and the intended parents. Understanding the significance and the process of transfer day helps illuminate the intricate journey of surrogacy.

Preparation Leading Up to Transfer Day

Before transfer day, there are several preparatory steps to ensure the best possible outcome. For gestational surrogacy, the process typically begins with the intended parents undergoing an IVF (in vitro fertilization) procedure. Eggs from the intended mother or an egg donor are fertilized with sperm from the intended father or a sperm donor, creating embryos in a laboratory setting. These embryos are then carefully monitored and cultured until they are ready for transfer, usually around five days after fertilization when they reach the blastocyst stage.

Simultaneously, the surrogate undergoes a series of medical treatments to prepare her uterus for the embryo transfer. This includes hormone therapy with estrogen and progesterone to thicken the uterine lining, creating an optimal environment for the embryo to implant and grow. The surrogate’s progress is closely monitored through ultrasounds and blood tests to ensure her body is ready for the transfer.

The Transfer Day Procedure

On transfer day, the surrogate visits the fertility clinic, accompanied by the intended parents if possible, to provide emotional support and share in the momentous occasion. The procedure itself is relatively quick and painless, often taking only about 10-15 minutes.

The embryologist selects the best-quality embryo(s) for transfer, loading them into a thin catheter. The reproductive endocrinologist then carefully inserts the catheter through the surrogate’s cervix and places the embryo(s) directly into the uterus. Ultrasound guidance is often used to ensure precise placement. After the transfer, the surrogate rests for a short period at the clinic before going home.

Post-Transfer Care and Waiting

Following the embryo transfer, the clinic typically advises the surrogate of any post-transfer instructions. The days following the transfer are filled with a mix of excitement and anxiety as everyone involved eagerly awaits the pregnancy test to confirm whether the embryo has been successfully implanted.

Around 10-14 days after the transfer, the surrogate undergoes a blood test to measure the levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the hormone produced during pregnancy. A positive result indicates that the embryo has been implanted, marking the beginning of the pregnancy journey.

If you have any questions at all, please contact Shared Conception. We are here to help you every step of your surrogacy journey. You can contact us at 713-622-1144 or through our website.