Becoming a Surrogate: Tips for a successful experience

Becoming a Surrogate: Tips for a successful experience

Finding Intended Parents with Shared Conception is the first step to having the perfect match and the best surrogacy experience possible. After you complete your surrogacy profile, Shared Conception will find potential Intended Parents for you to meet. The next step...
Questions to Ask Your Potential Surrogate

Questions to Ask Your Potential Surrogate

Interviewing potential surrogates is part of the selection process. There are a lot of emotions involved; anxiety, stress, excitement and hope. But, what questions do you ask a woman who will potentially be carrying your baby? At Shared Conception, we do not rest...
Surrogacy and Medications

Surrogacy and Medications

There are quite a few medications involved for a gestational carrier cycle. When pregnancy occurs naturally, the body produces a number of hormones that prepare the uterus for pregnancy, and help the embryo grow and develop. For a surrogate to have a successful IVF...
Tips about Shipping Breast Milk

Tips about Shipping Breast Milk

 If you have opted to pump breast milk for your surrogate baby, you may come across a time where you have to ship your breast milk. Here are some tips to successfully and safely ship breast milk. Store your breast milk in quality storage bags. Make sure they...
Common Causes of Male Infertility?

Common Causes of Male Infertility?

Infertility affects us all, even men! Most likely, after or during the process that the woman is examined and diagnosed, her partner will be looked at by a male fertility doctor. Just like reproductive doctors for women, male fertility doctors try to improve fertility...