Aug 28, 2020 | General Topics, Intended Parent, Surrogate
If you are contemplating becoming a surrogate, or a repeat surrogate, you may consider doing this without the support of a surrogate agency. You will still need an attorney and fertility clinic to embark on a journey – but, when learning about the matching process,...
Aug 21, 2020 | General Topics, Intended Parent, Surrogate
Historically, multiple pregnancies are not uncommon and are often associated with IVF. With advances in the study of reproductive medicine, the belief that more than one embryo should be transferred has changed. It is no longer recommended by the American Society for...
Aug 14, 2020 | General Topics, Intended Parent, Surrogate
Just like the way you were while carrying your own baby, intended parents want to get to know their child, even though you are the one who is carrying. Most of the time, the intended parents attend doctor visits, especially the ones where there are ultrasounds and...
Aug 7, 2020 | General Topics
Starting the surrogacy process is an exciting time. But a lot of preparation goes into the process. Most importantly an embryo has to be created for transfer. Many of our intended parents already have embryos ready for a surrogate, but some do not. In this case, egg...
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