Jul 23, 2021 | General Topics, Intended Parent
The conversation with your child about being born via surrogacy can be a difficult one. It is a story about how hard you worked to have them, and it is part of their identity. Talking about it early on is a way to normalize their birth through surrogacy – and help...
Jun 25, 2021 | General Topics, Intended Parent
Surrogacy is such a process for intended parents. Most people who come to the decision they need to choose surrogacy to build their family, are already emotionally exhausted from the trials and tribulations of infertility. Shared Conception always emphasizes the...
Mar 19, 2021 | General Topics, Intended Parent, Surrogate
Looking back on my two wonderful journeys with Shared Conception, I have had two completely different experiences. Each amazing and unique, I could talk for days about my wonderful relationships with each of the intended parents. For this blog, I want to talk about...
Mar 12, 2021 | General Topics, Intended Parent, Surrogate
There is so much more acceptance these days about having children through surrogacy than previously. Attitudes towards the surrogacy process have changed throughout the years. More than ever, we hear of surrogacy in the news, on the covers of magazines, and in...
Feb 12, 2021 | Intended Parent, Surrogate
As a surrogate, you are required to follow strict instructions from the fertility clinic. They can be instructions about diet, activity levels, or medications. And yes, some of the instructions involve needles that you or someone in your support network will have to...
Feb 5, 2021 | General Topics, Intended Parent, Surrogate
During this lingering pandemic, we have been asked by many of our surrogates and potential surrogates about how COVID-19 may impact their surrogacy journey. Although COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways, it is still possible to have a successful journey with...
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