Latest and Greatest, Pregnancy Attire

Latest and Greatest, Pregnancy Attire

Getting dressed and out of the house when you are pregnant can be hard. Lounging on the couch with Christmas movies and your choice of food and beverage this holiday season, may sound more enticing. When it comes to the idea of dressing up vs. sweatpants, sweatpants...
After the birth…The (usually) untold story

After the birth…The (usually) untold story

Many have wondered (and this is one of our frequently asked questions) … What happens to a surrogate mother after she delivers the baby? Honestly, she has most likely jumped back into the routine of her life with her own spouse or partner and children, and...
The Taboo Subject: Compensation

The Taboo Subject: Compensation

Money is rarely the driving reason behind becoming a surrogate. All of our surrogates love the idea of helping a family, enjoy being pregnant and feel that this journey is more of a calling. But that doesn’t mean compensation is not deserved for the intense labor (no...

How much are surrogates compensated?

How much are surrogates compensated? At Shared Conception, each surrogate determines her fee to the intended parents. Many factors go into this overall number. Has the woman been a surrogate before? Is there travel time and cost involved? Will the surrogate’s...