How does a surrogate pick the intended parents?

There are lots of qualifications a surrogate might go by when she is matched with intended parents. We realize it is a large decision placed on her shoulders: Which couple does she get to make into a family? This question is never taken lightly. Here are a few...

Guest Blog! The heart of a gestational surrogate

   By Andrea Muehlhaus Hi There! My name is Andrea and I am a gestational surrogate currently 21 weeks pregnant with my first surro-babe. People ask me all the time, “How do you do it?” I simply...

Becoming a surrogate

For some families, the idea of adding a baby to the mix is bittersweet. Some couples cannot create babies on their own and need a little help. Surrogate mothers are the answers to these couples’ dreams. It takes a special lady to become a surrogate mother. Sure there...