Apr 20, 2018 | General Topics
There are many individuals and couples out there that are struggling with infertility; more than you may know. Whether it is your neighbor, the checkout associate at your grocery store, a personal trainer at your gym or the bank teller that gave you change for that...
Feb 23, 2018 | General Topics
You have done a ton of research and thought to yourself, “Hey, I could do this.” This is a big decision, and it will affect your family. It is essential and critical to be supported throughout your entire surrogacy. Your family should be on-board with...
Feb 23, 2018 | General Topics
Yes! It’s possible; it is not a myth and many intended Moms have chosen to do this to promote the bond between themselves and their newborn. Throughout history, women have induced lactation, dating as far back as ancient times.Prolactin, the milk-making hormone...
Feb 23, 2018 | General Topics
There is a lot to consider after making the final decision to use a surrogate. Shared Conception works effortlessly to match you with your most perfect surrogate. Your relationship with your surrogate will be unique and can provide you with the most rewarding outcome....
Feb 23, 2018 | General Topics
There may be a time in your journey that you will be asked invasive and sometimes offensive questions about the surrogacy process. Some awkward moments are bound to happen. By choosing to be a surrogate, these awkward moments sometimes come with the territory. It may...
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