Surrogacy as a Single Mom

Surrogacy as a Single Mom

We have had many inquiries from single moms asking if they would qualify to be a surrogate, even though they are not married or in a committed relationship. The answer is “absolutely!” Even it if seems that all surrogates are married or partnered, this is not a...
Long Distance Surrogates

Long Distance Surrogates

Looking back on my two wonderful journeys with Shared Conception, I have had two completely different experiences. Each amazing and unique, I could talk for days about my wonderful relationships with each of the intended parents. For this blog, I want to talk about...
Media and Surrogacy

Media and Surrogacy

There is so much more acceptance these days about having children through surrogacy than previously. Attitudes towards the surrogacy process have changed throughout the years. More than ever, we hear of surrogacy in the news, on the covers of magazines, and in...
Patches, Pills, and Prickly Things

Patches, Pills, and Prickly Things

As a surrogate, you are required to follow strict instructions from the fertility clinic. They can be instructions about diet, activity levels, or medications. And yes, some of the instructions involve needles that you or someone in your support network will have to...
Surrogacy during the Pandemic?

Surrogacy during the Pandemic?

During this lingering pandemic, we have been asked by many of our surrogates and potential surrogates about how COVID-19 may impact their surrogacy journey.  Although COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways, it is still possible to have a successful journey with...
Loved it the first time? Repeat Journeys

Loved it the first time? Repeat Journeys

Often, after a successful journey that has blossomed into a great friendship, intended parents will come back and ask the same surrogate to enter a second surrogacy arrangement. Shared Conception has seen this scenario occur many times. We also have many surrogates...