Bladder Control!

Bladder Control!

Ok ladies…here is the problem…you have had one or two (or maybe even more) of your own children and then chose to selflessly bless another family by becoming a surrogate. Now, you are noticing that your bladder isn’t as strong as it used to be. Actually, you may feel...
You Can be a Surrogate!

You Can be a Surrogate!

Surrogate, journey, intended parent, gestational carrier, IVF……there is a lot to learn when considering surrogacy. Not everyone is cut out for this job, but more women qualify than you may think. If you are thinking about becoming a surrogate, here are some common...
Practice Picking

Practice Picking

It’s common for a surrogate to receive medical care by her chosen obstetrician once she is released by the fertility center.  This is typically after the first trimester. In most cases, the surrogate returns to the same doctor used when she carried her own children....
How to become a surrogate with Shared Conception

How to become a surrogate with Shared Conception

Part 2: Medical and Legal The medical and legal processes can be a bit complicated. But remember, we are with you every step of the way! Shared Conception will guide you through the application process, medical and legal processes, and well through labor and delivery....