Surrogacy in the Workplace

Surrogacy in the Workplace

Being pregnant in the workplace under normal circumstances can be challenging, but telling coworkers about your surrogacy can also be stressful. It is not easy to hide your growing belly. While conversations involving your pregnancy may seem overwhelming, you can...
Surrogacy during the Holiday Party Season

Surrogacy during the Holiday Party Season

With Christmas and New Years’ Eve approaching, there will be a lot of party invites from friends, family, and even work. Holidays always pose a challenge when you are a surrogate mother having a baby for excited Intended Parents. Here are a few minor adjustments...
Surrogacy and the LGBTQ+ Community

Surrogacy and the LGBTQ+ Community

Surrogacy is often one of the last options for heterosexual couples wanting to have children, but for LGBTQ+ couples, it is one of the only options outside of adoption. Adoption is an expensive and complicated process, and laws vary state by state, with some states...