Mar 25, 2022 | General Topics, Surrogate
A birth ball is just like a gym ball that you use to exercise, but slightly larger. It allows pregnant women to sit comfortably and even practice positions for labor. It also has more benefits, such as a good core workout. Sitting comfortably Moving around can become...
Mar 18, 2022 | General Topics, Surrogate
Believe it or not, some herbs have natural healing and immune-boosting properties that can help throughout pregnancy. These can be found in teas, added to meals, or even put in smoothies. Below is a list of the most popular and helpful herbs to consider during...
Feb 25, 2022 | General Topics
There are a few fun things to avoid when pregnant, including some foods. Although food is one of the perks when pregnant, you don’t want to eat something that can make you ill or harm the baby. It’s essential to know the facts about which foods to avoid...
Feb 18, 2022 | General Topics
One of the many reasons women choose to become a surrogate is to help create or build a family. With that – a lot of personal information is to be shared. Your current and past medical history are one of them, but that is expected. Some of our surrogates choose...
Feb 11, 2022 | General Topics, Intended Parent
Surrogacy with donor sperm or eggs is used by many intended parents when unable to create their own embryos. It’s a great alternative when considering other ways to create, build or extend your family through surrogacy. Using an Egg Donor Egg donation for...
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