What are the legal requirements for surrogacy?

Having a surrogate deliver your baby is a fragile situation. We at Shared Conceptions want to make sure the journey is legally correct, both for the surrogate and intended parents. Texas is considered “surrogate friendly.” What’s this mean for you? Texas has specific...

How does a surrogate pick the intended parents?

There are lots of qualifications a surrogate might go by when she is matched with intended parents. We realize it is a large decision placed on her shoulders: Which couple does she get to make into a family? This question is never taken lightly. Here are a few...

Guest Blog! The heart of a gestational surrogate

   By Andrea Muehlhaus http://www.mybodytheirbaby.blogspot.com/ Hi There! My name is Andrea and I am a gestational surrogate currently 21 weeks pregnant with my first surro-babe. People ask me all the time, “How do you do it?” I simply...

Guest Blog! Was it hard to give up the baby?

Was it hard to give up the baby? This is usually the first question people ask me when they’ve found out I’ve been a surrogate before. I delivered a baby girl for my Intended Parents in October of last year. After several months of delay, we transferred in...

Do surrogates become attached to the baby?

When you’re a surrogate, the question usually comes up quite often. Do you get attached to the baby you’re carrying? Do you feel like it’s one of “your own”? Will you get anxiety about handing the baby over to the Intended Parents after delivery? The answer is usually...