Four Books for Children of Surrogates

Four Books for Children of Surrogates

Many surrogates ask us about talking with their children about being a surrogate. There are a handful of books designed to help children understand how one happy family can help to create another. These books convey age-appropriate messages. Our surrogacy agency,...
Surrogacy as a Single Mom

Surrogacy as a Single Mom

Another frequently asked question we often discuss with potential surrogates is: “Can I become a surrogate if I am a single mom?” The answer is a big “YES!” Some of our best surrogates are strong and empowered single mothers. Single moms also have the desire to help...
Planning a Surrogacy

Planning a Surrogacy

The internet is a great tool to use when researching the surrogacy process. It is a huge and overwhelming subject. There is a wealth of information readily available on the world wide web. But pay attention, there are a few items you may not find in your google search...
Communication after your Journey

Communication after your Journey

There can be lots of questions when intended parents and surrogates team up to create a baby. One of the most frequently asked questions is about the contact between the surrogate and intended parents post journey. The answer isn’t straightforward as every...
Surrogacy and Compensation

Surrogacy and Compensation

One of the first questions that arise when someone finds out you are a surrogate is, “How much do you get paid?” This question can be downright insulting, but it’s just plain curiosity and some people just can’t help themselves. All surrogates do not get paid to have...