Being a great Surrogate

Being a great Surrogate

“Tummy Mummy,” “Gestational Carrier,” “Surro Mom” – There are many different names for a surrogate mother. Some are cute, some are just technical, but how to become a great surrogate mother is a quality all surrogates must...
Why Choose a Surrogacy Agency

Why Choose a Surrogacy Agency

There are so many surrogacy agencies to choose from. It can be very overwhelming. First, you need to educate yourself on the process so you can “interview” each contender. One of the most common questions we get is, “Why should we utilize a surrogacy...
LGBT and Surrogacy

LGBT and Surrogacy

Surrogacy can be complicated, costly and is a huge decision for any couple. A surrogate mother or gestational carrier is a woman who carries a child for someone else. There are many ways that different types of families can find their way to surrogacy. For straight...
Top Ten Tips for Feeding a Child Born Through Surrogacy

Top Ten Tips for Feeding a Child Born Through Surrogacy

There are many ways for a surro babe to receive breastmilk. You can look at our blog if an intended mother is interested in inducing lactation. This requires some preparation before your gestational carrier delivers, including hormone therapy, breast massage and...