Ever hear of a Gentle Cesarean?

Ever hear of a Gentle Cesarean?

Planning a C-section?  We all have our ideal labor and delivery planned in our heads or on paper. As a surrogate, this would not be your first experience with labor and delivery. Some of us have to deliver via cesarean due to medical conditions or previous C-section...
New Needle Support

New Needle Support

A common apprehension when considering surrogacy is the injections that must be administered before the IVF transfer and throughout the first trimester. Shared Conception would like to share with you our new findings that will put you at ease! Our surrogates are just...
Tips for a Surrogate Partner

Tips for a Surrogate Partner

As a partner to a surrogate mother, you will hear how selfless and generous they are, but you deserve some kudos too! Although the workload is on her, you play an essential role in the entire process. You will serve as a chauffeur, nurse, take on more household or...
Surrogacy Years Later

Surrogacy Years Later

Before, during, and after surrogacy is a commonly discussed topic. When you begin the surrogacy process and establish your support network, there are many questions from friends, loved ones, and even children to be asked and answered. Usually, questions are welcomed...