Aug 30, 2013 | General Topics
During a surrogate pregnancy or right after going through IVF, the doctor may order bed rest. This may sound like a prison sentence to some, but you might find that the time spent in bed can actually be very productive. Here are some ideas. Learn a new computer...
Feb 8, 2013 | General Topics
More people are sharing their stories in new book releases and there are even children’s books to help children understand their birth story. We’ve compiled a list of great books for you and your family and if you’ve written a book on surrogacy, be sure to let us...
Nov 16, 2012 | General Topics
At Shared Conception, we know each intended parents’ journey is different. Whether failed IVF treatments or the inability to conceive, each parent has a different reason for reaching out to surrogacy. Our agency is proud of its outstanding reputation in joining...
Oct 26, 2012 | General Topics
When a woman begins the process of becoming a surrogate, she can easily become overwhelmed with new terms and new definitions. One of those areas that can sometimes become confusing is the type of surrogate to become. There are two main types: gestational and...
Oct 19, 2012 | General Topics
There are several great blog sites available that journey through the process of surrogacy. Here are a few of our favorite blogs to check out! – A Surrogate’s Journey. ( Brandy is a surrogate who writes a blog geared...
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